Did you know global IoT spending may hit a trillion dollars in 20221? This huge growth highlights the need for strong Internet of Things (IoT) security. Many businesses find it tough to protect an expanding digital world.

Protecting IoT devices isn’t just about the devices themselves. It includes a broad plan that involves finding devices for full awareness. Adding network segmentation for better defense and using strong passwords are key. Keeping software up-to-date and monitoring in real-time are also essential for IoT safety. Companies like Microsoft and PwC provide useful tools to help make IoT systems more robust, given the networks’ increasing complexity2.

The rapid spread of IoT networks means businesses must focus on strong cybersecurity3. Keeping IoT platforms safe is crucial to block more threats and avoid leaks. Solutions like Allot IoTSecure offer full security with access control, protection from bots, and checking how devices behave, really dealing with today’s IoT security issues3.

Key Takeaways

  • Worldwide IoT spending is projected to reach the trillion-dollar mark in 2022.
  • Comprehensive IoT security involves multiple strategies such as device discovery and network segmentation.
  • Regular patching and updates are crucial for maintaining IoT device security.
  • Real-time monitoring allows for continuous protection against threats.
  • Resources from companies like Microsoft and PwC can assist in building IoT resilience.

Introduction to IoT Device Security

The security of IoT devices is now a top priority in our tech-driven world. These devices face many threats because they are always online. The risk of someone stealing data or attacking the network goes up if we don’t secure these devices.

Understanding IoT Vulnerabilities

Being always on, IoT devices face lots of risks. Weak passwords and outdated software can cause big security problems. A cybersecurity expert once hacked a Tesla Model X in under 90 seconds by using a flaw in Bluetooth4. Most IoT devices don’t encrypt their data, which makes data breaches more likely4. Also, a single unsafe device can put all connected devices at risk in your home4.

The Importance of IoT Security

Keeping your IoT devices safe is crucial to protect your privacy and avoid losing money. You should use strong passwords, update your devices regularly, and have security solutions to watch and control your devices. For instance, security gateways offer firewall protection to block intruders4. Also, machine learning helps spot unusual behavior to keep operations safe5. Platforms like Cumulocity IoT provide top-notch security, including safe ways for different users to access data and HTTPS communication from start to finish6.

The Vulnerability of IoT Devices: Why You Should Take Notice

Today, we’re facing big challenges with IoT data privacy and network security. It’s crucial to tackle the vulnerabilities of IoT devices to keep our personal and professional networks safe. If we ignore these issues, we could face serious problems.

Lack of Standardization and Regulation

The main problem in securing IoT devices is the absence of uniform security standards. This issue makes it hard to apply strong security across different fields7. The Mirai botnet attack in 2016 is a perfect example. It hijacked 145,607 IoT devices to launch a huge attack, affecting major sites like Netflix, Twitter, and CNN7. The lack of common rules leaves gaps that cybercriminals can exploit, putting IoT devices at high risk8.

Human Error and Misconfiguration

Human mistakes play a big role in making IoT systems vulnerable. Often, attacks come from simple oversights, like using default passwords without enough security steps9. For instance, in 2013, hackers got into Target’s network through an HVAC vendor’s IoT sensors7. Not changing default passwords is a widespread issue, leaving IoT devices open to hacker attacks9. It’s vital to modify default settings and passwords to better secure IoT devices8.

Complexity and Interconnectedness of IoT Systems

The complex and connected nature of IoT systems introduces more risk. A single weak spot can threaten the whole network8. In 2017, for example, the FDA warned about security risks in St. Jude Medical’s pacemakers7. A problem in one device can expose the entire network to danger. It’s hard for businesses to keep track of and fix vulnerable devices promptly7. Using strong encryption for data is key to protect IoT privacy and secure networks9.

Employ Device Discovery for Complete Visibility

To keep IoT devices safe, first, make an inventory of all gadgets on your network. Knowing what’s connected helps spot security risks. The 2020 Unit 42® IoT Threat Report says about 30% of devices in organizations are unsecured IoT gadgets. This shows why finding and managing devices is so key10.

Importance of Device Inventory

Having a full list of your devices is a key step in managing IoT gadgets. This list should show device types, who made them, their risk levels, and how they’re set up. As of July 19, 2021, using smart, active probes to find devices became standard for customers. This makes creating an accurate device list easier11.

Gadgets not on the corporate network won’t be found. So, it’s crucial to connect all devices properly11.

Utilization of Dedicated IoT Security Solutions

Using specific IoT security solutions is vital. They help identify devices, assess their risks, and guide network and firewall setups. For example, Defender for Endpoint has special searches to see devices and track network events, both in and outside the corporate network11. It also checks for vulnerabilities in devices not managed by your network11. Proper setup of endpoints boosts security and better protects IoT gadgets in businesses11.

Putting these IoT security tips into action will give your organization full insight and control. This helps reduce risks and effectively safekeep your network.

Apply Network Segmentation for Stronger Defense

Network segmentation boosts your IoT defense greatly. Splitting your network into smaller, secure areas cuts down the risk of attacks. It’s tougher for criminals to get through your security. Plus, this method stops attackers from moving freely inside the network121314.

By setting up VLANs and advanced firewall rules, you gain precise control over who accesses what. You can specify who gets to see certain data, increasing security1213. Microsegmentation offers extra safety for traffic moving within the network, like between servers. This ensures detailed oversight and control14.

Segmenting networks doesn’t just isolate hazards. It also enhances the detection of suspicious activities, aiding in their quick neutralization1213. And it makes complying with laws like GDPR simpler by keeping sensitive info separate1314.

It’s a key part of Zero Trust security too. This strategy doesn’t trust anyone by default, whether they’re inside or outside the network1314. Constant verification of access rights increases safety against threats.

Network segmentation also boosts your network’s efficiency. It lessens data jams and helps quickly find and fix issues13. For growing businesses, it eases the addition of new parts without harming the current setup12.

In the end, network segmentation is about staying ahead of threats. It surrounds key data with strong defenses and tightens access control14. This way, it keeps cyber dangers at bay while maintaining your company’s image and customer trust1314.

Top IoT Security Solutions: Forescout Platform

The Forescout Platform offers leading-edge IoT security features. It delivers strong protection strategies for organizations.

Behavior-Based Policies

Behavior-based policies boost Forescout’s IoT security. They dynamically segment devices by their network actions. Unexpected device behavior leads to immediate reclassification and monitoring.

These policies establish a zero-trust framework, crucial in today’s security scene. IoT device adoption in utilities has jumped by 17%15.

Mitigating Risk Across Hybrid Infrastructure

Protecting hybrid infrastructure is vital due to the varied environments in organizations. The Forescout Platform is top in managing risks across physical and virtual IP-connected devices without agent software.

The growth of IoT installations is expected to exceed 55 billion by 202516. It’s key to secure these setups against potential threats.

Agentless Monitoring

The Forescout Platform shines with its agentless monitoring. This lets it watch and control devices without installing software on them.

This approach is simpler for managing many devices. It also supports zero-trust by continuously checking each device for compliance and security threats. Interestingly, 57% of IoT devices could face medium or high-level threats15.

Adopt Secure Password Practices

The safety of IoT devices depends a lot on good password habits. A detailed approach gives strong protection against unwanted access and cyber dangers.

Changing Default Credentials

IoT devices often come with preset passwords. This makes changing passwords an important step for IoT safety. Keeping default passwords can make devices easy targets for attacks. It’s a fact that lots of users don’t switch these passwords17.

By switching these preset passwords right away, you block a way in for bad guys.

Using Strong and Unique Passwords

Setting up a secure IoT password policy means making complicated and one-of-a-kind passwords for each device. This lowers the chance of password-related risks and makes IoT defenses stronger. It’s key to use unique and strong passwords for the safety of IoT tools17.

Devices with tough, unique passwords are less likely to get hacked. This ensures more security throughout the network.

Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication

Adding more security steps, like multi-factor authentication (MFA), greatly improves IoT safety. MFA asks for several proofs of identity, making it hard for unauthorized people to get in. Multi-factor authentication brings an additional security level to IoT networks18.

Regular Patching and Firmware Updates

Keeping your IoT devices regularly updated is key to security. Around 60% of these devices can be easily attacked. Timely updates are crucial19. Working with IoT vendors helps create a strong strategy for keeping devices safe.

Challenges of IoT Devices with Long Shelf Lives

IoT devices often last a long time, making updates hard. Many weren’t made to handle future changes well. This makes security management tough20.

The number of devices is booming, expected to hit over 25 billion by 2030. This growth makes updating even more complex20.

Collaboration with IoT Vendors for Recurrent Patching

Partnering with IoT vendors for patch management is vital. These vendors must regularly supply updates to fix security holes. This strengthens your devices’ security19.

Good communication with vendors ensures updates are received on time. This lowers the risk of cyber attacks. Using tough encryption, like AES-256, boosts device security significantly19.

Real-Time Monitoring and Reporting

In the dynamic world of IoT, real-time monitoring and reporting are key. They help reduce risks and keep devices safe. By monitoring constantly, we can quickly spot any odd behavior or threats.

Importance of Continuous Monitoring

Continuous monitoring offers vital information about how devices are used and network traffic. It helps in sending out security alerts fast, dealing with cyber threats quickly. Companies like Microsoft Azure IoT Security and AWS IoT Device Defender show how critical these services are21.

Integration with Existing Security Posture

Adding real-time monitoring to current security systems boosts overall safety. It allows different platforms to work together smoothly. For example, Azure Security Center provides lots of IoT security services, including monitoring in real-time and analyzing security events21. Adding IoT security alerts to your network defense helps spot and react to anomalies swiftly21.

Top IoT Security Solutions: Tempered Airwall

Tempered Airwall is a top-notch IoT security solution that works great in many fields, like healthcare. It plays a big role in keeping IoT networks safe. With the IoT market in North America expected to hit $500 billion by 202222, having strong security is key. Tempered Airwall helps by blocking unwanted access and making sure only approved people can get to important info.

Flexible Deployment Options

What makes Tempered Airwall really stand out is how you can set it up in many ways. It fits well in different kinds of setups thanks to its hardware gateways and Host Identity Protocol (HIP). This is super useful since the use of IoT devices in utilities jumped by 17% last year22. Being able to change and adapt fast is crucial for staying safe from risks.

Identity and Permission Controls

Tempered Airwall is awesome at managing who gets to do what in IoT. It checks who you are, follows specific rules, and uses really strong encryption. This keeps data safe and fights off hackers23. With over 5.8 billion IoT devices used by businesses and cars by the end of 202022, having tight security is more important than ever.

Adding in these controls lets you be super specific about who can see and do things with IoT network data. This is especially good in healthcare, where keeping patient info safe is super important23.

Tempered Airwall focuses on doing a great job managing IoT identities and is easy and flexible to use. It’s a must-have in the fast-changing world of IoT security.

Top IoT Security Solutions: Palo Alto Networks

Palo Alto Networks provides a strong solution for protecting IoT gadgets in big companies. They use cutting-edge technologies for security. This strategy follows Zero Trust rules, making sure devices are identified safely.

Hardware-Based and Virtual Firewalls

Palo Alto Networks has both physical and software-based firewalls. These offer strong protection against unauthorized access and attacks on IoT devices. Their approach allows better control than old-style firewalls. This ensures tighter management of IoT device traffic24.

These firewalls are designed to keep up with new threats. Their presence strengthens your network’s defense system.

Device Identification Tools

Identifying devices is key in IoT security, and Palo Alto Networks leads here with effective tools. Their tools let you know and sort devices clearly. This reduces the risk from unknown or unapproved devices. Almost all IoT device traffic is watched closely, though it’s often not encrypted25.

This careful watch helps stop over 40% of attacks that target those vulnerabilities25.

Security experts are now advised to manage IoT security throughout the device’s life. This includes identifying, checking for weak spots, applying Zero Trust policies, blocking threats, and fast threat detection and response25. To learn more about Palo Alto Networks’ work in IoT security, visit their Enterprise IoT Security page. It’s highly rated by users, especially in manufacturing, showing its effectiveness and trustworthiness24.

Top IoT Security Solutions: SecuriThings Horizon

SecuriThings Horizon IoT protects important places like hospitals, airports, and factories. It detects risks, maintains devices before they break, and automates tasks through one screen. This makes managing and keeping IoT devices safe easier. You can set it up in just one day. This shows it’s quick to start protecting your IoT network26.

Security Solution for High-Risk Areas

Places with high risks get a lot of help from SecuriThings Horizon. It stops IoT threats such as malware and attacks automatically26. Big companies and over 40 medical centers use it to protect many IoT devices27. This system also checks on devices all the time and sends alerts right away27.

Automated Mitigation Tools

SecuriThings Horizon helps IT and security teams manage many IoT devices easily. It keeps things in line with the rules and prepares for surprises, with reports27. It works well with other systems like ServiceNow and Microsoft Sentinel. Plus, their support team is always ready to help with monitoring, training, and answering questions26.

Its tools for stopping IoT threats are strong. They find and fix causes of cyber threats fast. Plus, you can sign in easily and safely with SSO and SAML 2.026.

Benefits of SecuriThings Horizon Details
Quick Deployment Can be completed within 24 hours
Comprehensive Protection Automated threat mitigation against malware, botnets, and more
Real-Time Monitoring Improves system availability with automatic alerts
Integration with Third-Party Systems ServiceNow, Splunk, Microsoft Sentinel
Expert Customer Support Ongoing assistance and training

Implementing IoT Device Security Best Practices

To make IoT devices safe, it’s key to follow top security steps. Use encryption, advanced antivirus, and monitor tools. Also, require strong passwords and multi-factor authentication. Following these steps is central to keeping devices and users safe in IoT security28.

Security must be a priority for manufacturers throughout the software development cycle28. The Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) has seven parts, ensuring thorough security at each stage28. Regular checks such as penetration tests and compliance reviews are vital to keep IoT systems safe and sound29.

It’s very important to use strong passwords and multi-factor authentication to stop unauthorized access28. Microsoft Defender for IoT suggests securing devices, connections, and cloud together. This protects every part of the network30. Employing SDKs for secure apps through encryption and authentication is also a recommended practice30.

Choosing open-source software with a lot of community support is advised for ongoing security improvements30. Keeping data encrypted during transfer and safe when stored is essential. This requires up-to-date antivirus, monitoring, and scanning tools28.

Healthcare providers need to follow rules like HIPAA to keep IoT medical devices secure. This helps in protecting patient information29. Keeping networks safe through regular management and network segmentation is key to preventing unauthorized access28.

Microsoft Defender for IoT helps monitor parts of the recommended security measures30. It’s crucial to keep operating systems and device drivers current. This helps stay compliant and fix security gaps quickly30. Outsourcing audits to firms like BCS365 can boost compliance and security in healthcare29.

Merging IoT security with broader IT and business strategies is essential. This unified approach is fundamental to protect devices and data28. In conclusion, applying best practices is necessary for IoT security compliance and keeping interconnected systems intact.

Security Best Practices Details
Encryption Methods Protects data in motion and at rest using advanced encryption standards
Advanced Antivirus Protection Utilizes up-to-date antivirus software to prevent malware and threats
SNMP Monitoring Tools Enables real-time monitoring of device performance and security status
Strong Passwords and MFA Enforces robust authentication methods to prevent unauthorized access
Regular Audits Includes penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, and compliance checks
Segmentation Enhances security by isolating different network segments

Top IoT Security Solutions: Armis

Armis is a leading IoT security solution, known for its top-notch protection. It quickly spots and handles threats, making it essential for important areas. Its technology goes beyond what’s normal, providing excellent security.

Automated Security Policies

Armis is great because it sets up automated security policies automatically. It does this without needing software installed on the devices. This way, devices in risky settings stay secure and work well. Armis can find and track 5x more devices than older methods, improving how assets are managed and protected31.

It also gives 10x more details about devices. This helps make better security choices31.

Real-Time Protection and Threat Identification

Armis provides excellent, on-the-spot protection and spots threats quickly. It helps organizations react 99% faster to security problems, keeping them safe31. Companies like Colgate-Palmolive have boosted their security by using Armis in their OT networks31.

In the 2023 Frost Radar™ for Operational Technology Cybersecurity Report, Armis was named a Leader. This shows it plays a big role in the industry32. It’s great at spotting which OT and ICS devices are the riskiest. This is important for protecting important services31.

Armis also topped in the KLAS Healthcare IoT Security 2023 report. This proves it’s trusted in the healthcare field33.

Using Armis’s IoT defense boosts security greatly. It combines with an AI system for a clear view and tight security. This doesn’t interrupt daily operations33.

Want to understand how automation improves IoT network scalability? Check out this deep dive.

Top IoT Security Solutions: Broadcom

Broadcom delivers top-notch IoT security solutions tailored for today’s cyber threat challenges. They blend intensive monitoring with vast threat knowledge for strong IoT defense. Key aspects include smart learning, system strengthening, and anti-hack methods. These are vital in defending your IoT setup from complex attacks.

Integrated Cyber Defense Security Bundles

Broadcom’s cyber defense bundles for IoT merge various security layers for total safety. These packages mix protection for devices, network defense, and threat intelligence. Together, they form a powerful barrier against cyber attacks.

Symantec ICS Protection

With Symantec ICS, Broadcom boosts security using smart learning and anti-hack tools. This method keeps IoT devices safe from new threats. Symantec’s tech excels in threat spotting and offers key insights for a stronger IoT shield. By applying system strengthening and accessing worldwide threat data, Broadcom stands out in cyber safety.

Research shows 55% of firms think better security could stop IoT cyber attacks, and 50% view IoT as a security weak spot34. Still, 95% of IT chiefs have an IoT security strategy, indicating a drive for better cyber defenses34. For those seeking extra security layers, visit Qualysec IoT security testing company.

Symantec ICS by Broadcom provides deep IoT protection with advanced methods. Expecting 27 billion IoT devices by 2025, securing them is vital35. Using Broadcom’s IoT safety measures ensures your devices fend off threats for a safe IoT experience.

Future Trends in IoT Security for 2024 and Beyond

The future of IoT security is poised for big changes with more devices getting connected every day and technology moving forward fast. By 2021, the IoT had 12 billion devices. This number jumped to 16 billion by 2023. It’s expected to hit 27 billion by 2025. This shows how important strong security steps are36. Because of this rapid increase, it’s critical to develop new laws and tech solutions for IoT security.

Legislative Developments in IoT Security

The world of IoT security will be greatly influenced by new laws and rules. Tougher regulations will make sure IoT setups have the right security features36. This move towards better legal frameworks is aimed at keeping data safe across different sectors. It’s a reaction to IoT’s growing market, which might reach a spending of $1 trillion by 2026. This shows how businesses are making IoT a top priority37.

Emergence of AI and Machine Learning in IoT Security

The use of AI and machine learning is changing how we protect IoT devices. AI will help identify and respond to threats automatically, making security tools much better36. Soon, half of all IoT systems could use AI, sparking new developments38. AI will also be key in spotting dangers early on and keeping an eye on IoT systems round the clock37.

future IoT security trends

Edge computing will be crucial in dealing with threats quickly in the future36. Blockchain will help too, by making sure transactions and device checks are secure and can’t be tampered with36. As AI gets better, it will make fighting off threats, maintaining systems before problems happen, and finding issues in real-time more advanced and effective.


In the world of IoT, security is super important. It’s not just something nice to have; it’s a must. By using the best IoT security solutions, companies and people can make their devices much safer. This also protects the whole IoT world. By 2025, we’re expecting to see 25 billion IoT devices. This means a bigger chance for hackers to cause trouble. That’s why strong security steps are key39.

Understanding the weak spots in IoT, like no common security rules and companies not always putting security first, is really important. This knowledge helps in coming up with good security plans40. Companies should always be on the lookout for risks by finding devices, checking for dangers, watching over them, protecting them, and applying rules. Doing these things doesn’t just lower the risk; it also keeps protection strong over time39.

Also, keeping things up to date, making strong passwords, and dividing the network are key to lower the chance of cyber problems. Knowing about future stuff, like how AI and machine learning can help with IoT security, prepares companies to face any new threats. This way, a company can stand out, earn their customers’ trust, and keep their IoT systems safe and running smoothly40.


What are the common vulnerabilities of IoT devices?

IoT devices face risks like patch inconsistency, weak passwords, and unsecured networks. These issues can lead to stolen data and network problems without secure passwords and firmware updates.

Why is IoT security important?

Keeping IoT devices safe is key to protecting privacy and avoiding money loss. They can open doors for cyber attacks. Strong security helps stop threats and keeps the network safe.

How does lack of standardization and regulation affect IoT security?

IoT gadgets often miss out on standard rules, making them easier targets for attacks. This lack of common security measures creates weak spots for hackers to use.

What role does human error play in IoT security risks?

Mistakes and wrong settings by users can raise security risks. People not used to IoT might accidentally open up risks or set devices up incorrectly, causing breaches and problems.

Why is it necessary to have complete visibility of all IoT devices?

To protect IoT devices well, companies need to know about all devices they connect. They should keep detailed lists showing device types, makers, and risk levels. Knowing all this helps manage devices and security better.

What is network segmentation and how does it enhance IoT security?

Segmenting a network cuts it into smaller pieces, reducing risk areas. With VLANs and smart firewall rules, you can limit traffic inside the network. This stops breaches from spreading and boosts security.

How does the Forescout Platform help in IoT security?

The Forescout Platform boosts IoT security with smart policies and risk control. It watches devices without needing agents. Its strategies aim for strong defense and trust nobody principles.

What are the best practices for securing IoT passwords?

For safer IoT passwords, change them from default, use tough and unique ones, and add extra login steps. These actions fight password attacks and make devices safer.

Why are regular patching and firmware updates important for IoT devices?

Updates fix security issues in IoT devices, which last long and might not update easily. Working with vendors on updates ensures devices get the latest security fixes.

How important is real-time monitoring for IoT security?

Watching IoT devices all the time is crucial for handling risks. Solutions that check device behavior and work with security systems catch threats fast, keeping IoT safe.

What makes Tempered Airwall a top IoT security solution?

Tempered Airwall lets you choose how to deploy it and controls who can access IoT data. It stops unauthorized access, great for places needing tight security like healthcare.

How does Palo Alto Networks enhance IoT security?

Palo Alto Networks offers strong IoT security with different firewalls and identification tools. These keep devices safe from attacks and protect the network.

What protections does SecuriThings Horizon offer for high-risk areas?

SecuriThings Horizon fights malware, botnets, and insider threats. It predicts risks and responds fast, keeping key IoT networks safe.

What are some best practices for implementing IoT device security?

Secure IoT devices with encryption, antivirus, and monitoring tools. Use strong passwords and limit network access. These steps and regular updates keep devices secure.

How does Armis contribute to IoT security?

Armis offers security without needing software on each device. It protects in real-time, spots threats, and applies security rules to keep sensitive areas safe.

What features does Broadcom offer for IoT security?

Broadcom integrates security with global threat insights, enhancing endpoint policies. Companies gain from machine learning and advanced protection against new threats.

What future trends are expected in IoT security for 2024 and beyond?

IoT security will see laws for better device security and more use of AI in spotting and stopping threats. These changes will make IoT security tools much stronger.