About Us

SPACOIN’s features, SPA platform applications, and SPA IOT’s system focus on connecting businesses to users, connecting businesses to businesses and optimizing business operations.
Buy Deal, Groupon

Customers can use the SPACOIN application on the mobile to search for services around their area and make bookings for discounts up to 25-30%

Visa Card

Visa Spacoin Token Card is directly connected to the core bank which is responsible for the issuance and processing of VISA international payment cards. Customers can use TOKEN easily to pay for all 32 million acceptance points in the world.

Marketing automation

All marketing activities of the business will be pushed to the cloud and operate in a distributed model with thousands of participating enterprises applying AI technology in operation and evaluation.

Effective management

All Marketing, CMR, ERP are fully pushed to the cloud with automatic tracking and data transfer through Blockchain to ensure accuracy and security.

Notification push

Businesses can easily manage and push their daily promotions to customers without the cost of advertising or sms. Very convenient and natural.

Loyalty , rating

Customers are automatically added SPACOIN token for each use of products and services. This token can be used for any other product or service in the system.